Dogdancing exams/Dogdancingové zkoušky

Last week we (Rori, Shadow) attended the dogfrisbee and dogdancing camp where were also the dogdancing exams. Shadow ejoyed his dogdancing exam´s premiere and passed excellent MD1, Rori passed with the same excellent note F2 :)

With Shadow I tried HTM1 and F1 exams as well, but unfortunatelly by F1 he did not finish one twist, otherwise it would be excellent as well and by HTM1 he decided that it is too warm to keep the heelwork positions, so I stopped the exam earlier :D

Except the dogdancing we trained dogfrisbee with our trainer Lucka Schönová. Rori loved it as usual and also for Shadow it was a lot of fun, let see if I practise a bit more with frisbee in the future to support our dogfrisbee career :-D

Na táboře dogdancingu a dogfrisbee, kterého jsme se s Rori a Šedíkem zúčastnili se pořádaly také dogdancingové zkoušky, kde si Šedík složil svou první zkoušku MD1 na výborně a Rori přidala do sbírky F2, také na výborně :)

Šedíka jsem přihlásila ještě na zkoušky HTM1 a F1, u F1 nám chyběla jedna dotočená otočka, jinak by se zadařila i tato zkouška a HTM1 jsem předčasně ukončila, protože mi můj taneční partner dal najevo, že ve vedru se heelwork pozice prostě nedrží :D

Mimo přípravy na taneční zkoušky jsme se věnovali hlavně dogfrisbee pod vedením Lucky Schönové. Rori byla ve svém živlu a i Šedíkovi se talíře líbily, tak uvidíme, zda se donutím trochu trénovat házení, abychom mohli v dogfrisbee pokračovat.

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Freya is 9 today!!!

Freya Bistkupstwo - the amazing borzoi friend of my sister is celebrating her 9th birthday today! We wish you all the best our long legs lady :)

Freyka - barzojí princezna mojí ségry dnes slaví své 9. narozeniny! Přejeme ti vše nejlepší ty naše dlouhonohá krásko :)

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Our dog family has expanded by new member - australian shepherd Austin z Podhořanských kopců. See more in his profile.

Naše psí smečka se rozrostla o nového člena - australského ovčáka Austina z Podhořanských kopců. Více informace na jeho profilu. :)




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SHADOW´S healthy results/Šedíkovi zdravotní výsledky

We are sooo much happy, that after veterinary check by MVDr. Ekr our Gentleman Blue Magic Hamyfa (Shadow) is:

Jsme nadšení, že Šedíkovi výsledky vyšetření kloubů u MVDr. Ekra dopadly perfektně:

  • HD A (0/0), 110°/110°
  • ED 0/0
  • OCD clear

Foto: Veronika Trvrdá




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Shadow´s exhibition premiere

Shadow´s exhibition premiere

foto: Veronika Tvrdá

7.-8.5 had Shadow his exhibition premiere, I was a bit worried how he will behave there, because now as a 13months young boy he is sometimes a bit too much interested about the world around :-D But he was excellent :) The exhibition standing position he did whole time as a profi, next time we have to improve the move, because he ran proudly with his tail up.

On the special border collie exhibition on Saturday we met Shadow´s brothers Geri and Buddy, they are both amazing dogs! And Shadow´s mum Ajsí <3

Our result you can find here.

7.-8.5 měl Shadow svou výstavní premiéru. Výstavy jsem se trochu obávala, neboť se Shadow, jako správný 13-ti měsíční mlaďoch občas víc zajímá o okolní svět, než o to, co dělat má :D Ale byl perfektní! Výstavní postoj předváděl jako úplný profík, jen do příště musíme napilovat výstavní pohyb bez ocásku do praku :-D

Na sobotní výstavě (speciálka border kolií) jsme se setkali s Šedíkovými bráchy Gerim a Buddym, z obou vyrostli nádherní psi. A s Šedikovou maminkou Ajskou <3

Naše výstavní výsledky najdete zde.



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What an amazing competition which I had the possibilty to judge, wau! Try to imagine warm sun, clear blue Lago di Garda, super profi italian organizers, perfect judging colleagues and a great competitors! What more can judge wish ? :) This weekend was for me really AMAZING!

On Saturday competeted FS1 - 1st group, FS1 - 2nd group, quarteto, seniors, HTM1, trio and FUN classes. I had the opportunity to judge FS1 - 2nd group, quarteto, seniors, HTM1 and trio. What and original routines I saw there, wau. I was happy to see so many heelworks, which is quite new category in DDI and the level was really high, well done!


On Sunday we started with FS2, HTM2, FS3 and HTM3, there I was feeling like in heaven, so many profesionals in one ring, excellent! One of the competitor which really impressed me was Monika Ballerini, not only because of the great, precise routine,... she did a nice pose and the audience started to clap, unfortunatelly the DJ thought that this is the end of the routine, so he stopped the music, but there should be 1 minute of the routine more. So Monika decided to wait till the time the DJ find the music again and start from the moment where she was interrupt and we could judge the last 1 minute as well. I was amazed by the professionality and nice, patient behaviour of Monika, it is not easy situation and not everyone would react such a calm with all the grace.


After the judging I had the possibility to start in a FUN category, so I decided to try it with Shadow and Rori as well. Shadow was great, he loves the food which I could have with me, because of the FUN class, so he did everything really great with his typical shiny charisma. We got a really nice judging, about the graceful movements which Shadow has when he is walking or twisting, for the next time I have to improve myself to be more clear with signals, because sometimes he did not know what I wanted from him :)


Rori was sooo much happy to be after few months again in the big ring and she was so much looking forward to go there, that she completely twisted herself and she felt stress from this. We started and after few moves I recognized, that she is in stress, so I stopped the routine to calm her down a bit, oh my sweet Rori... :)


I would like to say thank you to all organisers, the CSEN team, you were really perfect. The same thank you is going as well for all of the competitors, all of you made a great job to let your dogs shine in the ring! And of course thank you to all my judging colleagues (Carmen Heriter, Cristine Szakacs, Petra Funk, Lusy Imbergerová, Franca Muggiana, Chiara Meccoli) for a great cooperation! Looking forward to see you all next time!

Pictures from the competition made by Paola Micheletti and from the Lago di Garda made by






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Shadow will start with agiilty :) / Šedík začne agilitit

Shadow´s puppy time is slowly coming to the end and it seems that except all dogdancing tricks he definitely needs some power sport so I decided to find my old agility shoes and go back to the green field where I started with Rori ;) Our first lesson starts in April, sooo much looking forward to it ! Shadow had already the chance to meet the members of agility beginners team and he said 100% yes ;) ... as he does for all activities :-D

Šedíkovo štěněčí období se už pomalu blíží ke konci a vypadá to, že kromě všech dogdancingových triků, potřebuje také trochu vybít baterky :) tak jsem se rozhodla, že opráším své staré kopačky a vrátím se tam, kde jsem začínala s Rori, tedy na zelenou agility louku :) Naše první lekce začíná v dubnu a už se moc těším. Šedík už dostal šanci poznat ostatní kurzisty začátečníky a je definitivně pro :) (jako je ostatně pro všechny aktivitiy :-D)

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