Archiv článků

Tony’s coursing premiere

Tonyho coursingová premiéra 5. 2. jsme se s Tonym (9 měsíců) poprvé zúčastnili coursingového tréninku. Trénink se konal v Ješíně u Kralup nad Vltavou pod vedením Martina Říhy. Tony, jako správný milovník všeho živého i neživého okolo sebe, byl už od výstupu z auta řádně nabuzen a když se stačil...
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1,5 year with Shadow - NEW VIDEO

In January we celebrated 1,5 year with our Shadow, it is so much fun with Mr. Gentleman that I decided to make a video from our daily life with our lovely boy. You can enjoy the watching here :) V lednu tomu bylo 1,5 roku co náš život obohacuje šedivý smíšek Shadow, a že se s ním rozhodně...
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Shadow: STUD DOG, MOD1 title

What an busy weekend in Czech again, this time Shadow passed his breeding "test" by Border colie club CZ and is official STUD DOG :) Thank you to Lucie Vaňková for great handling !!! And two hours after he also passed his last exam in 1st level of dogdancing exams - Heelwork to Music and got the...
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Qualification, competition, exams (7.1.2017)

1st qualification for OEC, WCH, Novoroční pohár, dogdancing exams What a busy day full of competitions and dogdancing exams in Prague and my dogs made me totally proud! With Rori we won all competitions which we entered, what an amazing feeling. My crazy girl made me so much happy. We competeted in...
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8 months old TONY

Our Tony is growing really fast, he celebrated his 8 months already! We made a short training video, you can watch it here: Toník nám roste, jako z vody, nedávno oslavil už 8 měsíců! Udělali jsme malé tréninkové video, které je k vidění...
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Vánoční dárek - dogdancing competition/dogdancing exams

We were at Prague to participate on the Christmas FUN dogdancing competition "Vánoční dárek" and to try to pass few of dogdancing exams, here are the amazing results! Pairs (quarteto) - 1st place!!!   VIDEO HERE team: Andrea Šišková - Aurora Piranha Rainy Love, Daniela Šišková -...
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OEC 2016

OEC 2016 I love OECs, they are always so inspiring and motivating! It is a unique combination of friendship, joy, ideas, fun, professionalism and team spirit across Europe. I am glad that I got the opportunity to be a part of the great judging team this year and I want to say THANK YOU to all...
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Dogdancing exams/Dogdancingové zkoušky

Last week we (Rori, Shadow) attended the dogfrisbee and dogdancing camp where were also the dogdancing exams. Shadow ejoyed his dogdancing exam´s premiere and passed excellent MD1, Rori passed with the same excellent note F2 :) With Shadow I tried HTM1 and F1 exams as well, but unfortunatelly by F1...
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Freya is 9 today!!!

Freya Bistkupstwo - the amazing borzoi friend of my sister is celebrating her 9th birthday today! We wish you all the best our long legs lady :) Freyka - barzojí princezna mojí ségry dnes slaví své 9. narozeniny! Přejeme ti vše nejlepší ty naše dlouhonohá krásko :)
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